Spike Milligan

 Spike Milligan 's Books

A very well recieved series by Spike Milligan are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Bedsitting Room, Memoires 01 (1971) - Adolf Hitler, My Part in His Downfall, Memoirs 06 - Peace Work, Memoires 03 (1976) - Monty, His Part in my Victory, Puckoon, Black Beauty, Memoires: Peace Work (1986), Frankenstein, Memoires 05 (1985) - Where Have All The Bullets Gone, Memoires 02 (1974) - Rommel, Gunner Who, Memoires 04 (1978) - Mussolini, His Part In My Downfall, The Bible, the Old Testament, Spike Milligan, which was published in 2022.